So how do I describe two Mondays, two Tuesdays and the days inbetween?
Well, last Monday I went back to work. Got cleared up by the end of the day, because of how the office is run… things need to be done, so they do them. And my boss is dead on anyway, so…
Wednesday I took off to get tickets and posters for Adrian Plass sorted out. Lesley Pollock numbered the concession tickets and I numbered the adult tickets, and I dropped them round the six shops… £6 (Adult) and £3 (Child/Student/OAP) from the Oasis, the Bush, Derryvolgie Halls, Wesley Owen, Faith Mission and Good Book Shop, see my site for more info.
After that it was Alpha and church prayer meeting. Apparently on Sunday I missed a really good sermon on worship, so we spent some time praying for the worship… and for a bass guitar (or bass guitarist, we have one other person besides me who can play!).
Thursday I wrote that poem for the Edgehill writers’ group that night. Got Philip Saunders’ book No Ordinary Book, currently reading inbetween times. Written very much in Philip’s authentic voice, you can imagine him reading it aloud.
Friday I got my pay arrears. I can afford Christmas!!
Saturday was dead quiet.
Sunday I went to my own church for the first time in over a month thanks to Autumn Soul and not being world. It was good to be back, and good just to be there back home in so many ways. Paddy preached on guidance.
Monday and today were quiet days. Just catching up on stuff, and tonight I need to finish off the Adrian Plass press release and article for the Church of Ireland Gazette and Methodist Newsletter. Got a quote from Derek McKelvey earlier and discovered that the Presbyterian Herald doesn’t publish a January edition… ah well. lkactually introduced me to a new website, and earlier my right foot was numbish for some reason.
Wednesday… who knows? Take that as it comes.