Hey hey hey!
It’s 1.30am, and I should be fast asleep, because Santa’s been. Shhhhh…
Um. Last two days.
Yesterday our boss took us (eight plus him) out for breakfast. Then we came back and tidied up what couldn’t wait until next week (Friday for me), before we gathered in the Conference Room to get our Secret Santa presents – ya know, pull a name out of the hat and get that person a present. I got a 15.5″ collar shirt and tie, which is flattering – I’m actually 17″ collar, so it’s nice to know someone thinks I’m not quite that big… It’s a bit of a hint though, cos I never wear a tie to work!
If I can’t get it swapped, one of my colleagues will buy it off me, which is great. So that’s me for a whole week… my immediate bosses are covering Wednesday and Thursday respectively, so I just have to work New Year’s Eve. Suits me fine, I should be going to a party that night…
Today I got up reasonably early, had breakfast, logged on, gave myself a haircut (another number 2, loads shorter than the pic), and had a nice bath. Was listening to the Carol Service from King’s College Cambridge when I got a phone call from my mum’s church organist – Ian asked me to conduct two violins, an alto sax and a trombonist at the Midnight Communion service – it went pretty well. Great fun, and it gives you an appetite – came back and demolished two bowls of Corn Flakes.
And so here we are, 1.40am and I’m going to bed. G’night and happy Christmas!