New pic!

Yep, I’ve given up using that pic from July 2001 which had hair (shock, horror!). I’ve lost a lot of hair since then, and as you can see from this pic, I now cut it down to a #2 – using the clippers I bought just before Christmas 2003.

So yesterday I got all my stuff into neat piles on the floor for me to sort onto my shelves so I could sleep in my own bed, go me! It’s always good…

Then tonight I touched up my Communion Setting, including the scripture quote – “A light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel” from Luke 2:32. I also downloaded 90-odd pics from my digital camera, from the Summer Madness reunion in September, Andrew Flannagan, the first run of the new trains, and three pics I took of myself the other day. At arm’s reach.

Might as well talk about what I read, which includes the Beano. They’re trialling three new strips, two by new artists… Christmas Carole is gorgeously drawn in pencils and inks, and is about this girl who wishes it could be Christmas every day. Problem is who would be able to draw that every week and so well?

Zap Zodiac is about this miniature humanoid space explorer who lands on earth – not very impressive, but well drawn.

Finally, there’s Hugh Dunnit about this boy detective. I like the idea best, but David Mostyn has rushed his drawings exceptionally – they’re just not his style.

And to annoy everyone who thinks I’m too old for the Beano (if you do, HARD LUCK!), why have they changed Sid’s hair in the Bash Street Kids? It’s nearly as long as Dennis the Menace’s! (That’s the real Dennis the Menace, American folks… not your blonde kid!)

So there you go. A little off-beat today, can only be good.

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