Well, I’m off to Belfast to get a couple of things before I go and meet Becky this evening at the airport and we start trying to save the relationship. It’ll include the last bits of her Christmas present π
Before I start talking hopes and fears, I’ll tell you what happened over Christmas…
Last Friday at work, we had done our Secret Santa present giving – I got a new bell for my bike, a puncture repair kit and a book about cycling the Tour De France route. Looks interesting π
Having sung tenor to help out in Ballyholme for their Carol Service on the 18th (the only other one was my mum, and I know more tenor lines than she does!) I helped out again on Christmas Eve by singing bass (far easier on the old voice!) at the Christmas Eve Midnight Communion. Because Ian Bell is away in America (first time away over Christmas in 19 years) he asked me to play piano the next morning for the 10am family service.
After the midnight service, I opened my present from Becky. It was a rucksack containing Wallace & Gromit shower gel and a radio-controlled van (woohoo!). It was good π
We open our Christmas stockings in the morning, but our real presents come after lunch at Grandma’s. My main present was a PalmOne Tungsten E2 palmtop, which I am getting my head round… it’s now synchronised with my phone through my computer, and I can use the internet through it. Does anyone know of a free IM program for PalmOS? Other presents included chocolate and a mini telescope.
That’s pretty much been it, and I’ve spent the past few days doing as little as possible. Because my palmtop was ex-demonstration, the stylus had got lost, so my parents got three yesterday – one spare for my dad (who has the older model E I think) and two for me.
So tonight Becky touches down at the City Airport at 8.10pm. I have her itinerary here in front of me… Once she’s through baggage reclaim, we’re heading off to the pub (presumably the Point in Ballyhackamore, she didn’t say) to chat and then head round to decentbloke‘s house where she’s staying until Monday. Tomorrow will be a day for chatting in a coffee shop somewhere, Friday afternoon we’re going to see The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, perhaps with Grandma, Friday evening is a games night with decentbloke, Saturday afternoon we’re stopping by in Bangor to get music off each other (it’s an album I used to have, honest!), Saturday night is new year’s party at Peter and Kate’s, Sunday is church then lunch with decentbloke and maybe others, and Monday morning Becky’s off on a ridiculously early flight – but I intend to see her off anyway.
I may look in on Saturday afternoon, but otherwise I’ll see you sometime after clay pigeon shooting on Monday (annual trip to Phil Maxwell’s field. Always great craic, even though I managed to gain a wee scar on my nose two years ago… did I ever post about that here? If not, I’ll post it next week)
Keep praying for me and Becky. God’s got to be involved in our decisions, and particularly we need to make the right decision for God. I know what I want it to be, I know what Becky wants it to be, but we need to follow what God wants, and if it’s for us to be together, we have things to work on and, as I said the other day, things that either need to be fixed or Becky needs to learn to live with. And doubtless, although I don’t know what they are yet, there’ll be things about Becky that either need to be fixed or I need to learn to live with.
I definitely don’t want to lose her. Noone has ever loved me the way she does.